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Customise the QAOA workflow

In this page, you will learn how to customize OpenQAOA workflows.


As a rule of thumbs, customizing often times makes the quantum circuit more complex. This in turn, may lead to either longer execution times, or even worst performances! Many of the tools we will explore here

The simplest QAOA workflow implicit uses the default values

from openqaoa import QAOA  

q = QAOA()

A QAOA workflow is composed by 4 parts. this example, we have used the default values:

  • the circuit ansats a 1-layer qaoa, with the standard parametrisation and the x mixer
  • the classical optimizer cobyla, as implemented by the folks at SciPy
  • the device employed vectorized, a very fast numpy-based QAOA simulator developed by Entropica Labs
  • the result of the algorithm

All these properties can be easily accessed within the QAOA object. For example,



{'param_type': 'standard',
 'init_type': 'ramp',
 'qubit_register': [],
 'p': 1,
 'variational_params_dict': {'total_annealing_time': 0.7},
 'annealing_time': 0.7,
 'linear_ramp_time': 0.7,
 'mixer_hamiltonian': 'x'}

Customizing a workflow

It is now time to customise the QAOA workflow.

Again, first things first: we need to create a problem instance. For example, an instance of vertex cover:

import networkx
from openqaoa.problems import MinimumVertexCover

g = networkx.circulant_graph(6, [1])
vc = MinimumVertexCover(g, field=1.0, penalty=10)
qubo_problem = vc.qubo

Now that we have the qubo problem, we can create a custom workflow as follows

#Create the QAOA
q = QAOA()

# circuit properties
q.set_circuit_properties(p=3, param_type='standard', init_type='ramp', mixer_hamiltonian='xy')

# backend properties
q.set_backend_properties(init_hadamard=True, n_shots=8000, cvar_alpha=0.85)

# classical optimizer properties
q.set_classical_optimizer(method='cobyla', maxiter=50, tol=0.05)


The circuit properties

Let's break down the process. First, we create the QAOA() object and modify the circuit's ansatz. This can be done through the method set_circuit_properties()

from openqaoa import QAOA, create_device  

#Create the QAOA
q = QAOA()

# circuit properties
q.set_circuit_properties(p=3, param_type='standard', init_type='ramp', mixer_hamiltonian='xy')

This method allows to shape the properties of the ansats circuit. It is the place where you can select the number of layers p, the type desired parametrization (and its initialization), and the type of mixer that you want to use.


If you want to read more about parametrisations and initialisations, please refer to the parametrization pages.

The backend properties

The backend identifies the device where the computation will be executed. It is separate from the device object, because it is useful to define some of the features in a device-independent fashion.

Let's see an example

from openqaoa import QAOA, create_device  

#Create the QAOA
q = QAOA()

# circuit properties
q.set_circuit_properties(p=3, param_type='standard', init_type='ramp', mixer_hamiltonian='xy')

# backend properties
q.set_backend_properties(init_hadamard=True, n_shots=8000, cvar_alpha=0.85)

here we are fixing: - The number of shots: this is a fundamental value when running computations on a QPU or on a shot-based simulator - The initial round of Hamiltonians is set to True - Setting the value for the Conditional Value-at-Risk, a trick employed during the calculation of the expectation value

The classical optimizer

As QAOA is a classical-quantum hybrid computation, we can customise the classical part to. This is done through the classical optimizer attribute

from openqaoa import QAOA, create_device  

#Create the QAOA
q = QAOA()

# circuit properties
q.set_circuit_properties(p=3, param_type='standard', init_type='ramp', mixer_hamiltonian='xy')

# backend properties
q.set_backend_properties(init_hadamard=True, n_shots=8000, cvar_alpha=0.85)

# classical optimizer properties
q.set_classical_optimizer(method='cobyla', maxiter=200, tol=0.05)

Note that since we are running the computation over the cloud we set maxiter=200 (that is, we cap the number of circuit evaluations to 200) and set a tolerance tol=0.05, roughly meaning that we will stop the optimization loop as soon as gains between consecutive cost values are smaller than the tolerance.

Currently OpenQAOA allows both for gradient based and gradient free optimization methods, together with a wide selections of optimizers inherited both by SciPy and PennyLane.

Extensive description of the optimizers available on OpenQAOA can be found on the optimizer page.