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Install latest stable through pip

You can install the latest version of OpenQAOA directly from PyPI. Creating a python virtual environment for this project is recommended. (for instance, instructions on how to create a virtual environment using conda can be found here. Make sure to use a python version between python 3.8 and python 3.10.

Once the virtual environment is activated, then simply pip install openqaoa with the following command

pip install openqaoa


This command installs the whole openqaoa package including all available plugins

OpenQAOA is now divided into plugins to let users selectively install modules correspondinng to their needs. Each plugin is available through pip and allows you to access the different providers and backends. Currently, OpenQAOA counts 5 different plugins:

  • openqaoa-core: Implements the core functionalities of OpenQAOA and allows you to use standalone simulators.
  • openqaoa-qiskit: Gives access to standalone simulators, qiskit simulators and hardware.
  • openqaoa-braket: Gives access to standalone simulators, braket simulators and hardware, and braket jobs.
  • openqaoa-azure: Gives access to standalone simulators, qiskit simulators and hardware, azure simulators and hardware.
  • openqaoa-pyquil: Gives access to standalone simulators, pyquil simulators and hardware.

Each plugin can be installed using the following command (replacing "core" with the plugin of interest)

pip install openqaoa-core

Install dev and experimental features

Alternatively, you can install it manually directly from the GitHub. This may be relevant if you plan to contribute to the development of OpenQAOA or if you want to try out the latest features parked on the dev branch on our github repository.

To install from github first

  1. Clone the git repository:
git clone


If you want to test some experimental features, after cloning the repository feel free to checkout the dev branch. It is simple, just type git checkout dev :)

  1. Creating a python virtual environment for this project is recommended. (for instance, using conda). Instructions on how to create a virtual environment can be found here. Make sure to use a python version between python 3.8 and python 3.10.

  2. After cloning the repository cd openqaoa and pip install the package. Use the following command for a vanilla install with the scipy optimizers:

pip install .
If you are interested in running the tests or the docs you can do so by using the installment modifiers [docs] and [tests]. For example,

pip install .[tests]

Should you face any issues during the installation, please drop us an email at [email protected] or open an issue!