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Rigetti Quantum Virtual Machine

The Rigetti Quantum Virtual Machine (QVM) is a flexible and efficient simulator for Quil.

From the official documentation: The QVM simulates the unitary evolution of a wavefunction with classical control. The QVM has a plethora of other features, including:

  • Stochastic pure-state evolution, density matrix evolution, and Pauli noise channels;
  • Shared memory access to the quantum state, allowing direct NumPy access to the state without copying or transmission delay; and
  • A fast just-in-time compilation mode for rapid simulation of large programs with many qubits.

Installation and Getting Started

In order to use the QVM backend, you will either need to connect Rigetti Quantum Cloud Service, or start the QVM locally.

Instructions on how to install the QVM and quilc vary from operative system. Please, refer to the official documentation.

Explicitly create the QVM device

In order to instantiate a QVM backend, we need to run the following snipped of code

from openqaoa import QAOA, create_device

q_qvm = QAOA()

rigetti_args ={

n_qubits = np_qubo.n
rigetti_device = create_device(location='qcs', name=f'{n_qubits}q-qvm', **rigetti_args)


First, this device requires extra arguments. The source code can be viewed here

rigetti_args ={
    noisy: bool = None,
    compiler_timeout: float = 20.0, # In seconds
    execution_timeout: float = 20.0, # In seconds
    client_configuration: QCSClientConfiguration = None,
    endpoint_id: str = None,
    engagement_manager: EngagementManager = None

For most basic usage you will only need to specify the timeouts (to cut the computation short, in case it takes too long), and set as_qvm to True. It is an optional flag to force construction of a QVM (instead of a QPU).


The QVM 5q-qvm can simulate up to 5 qubits. The QVM Nq-qvm will simulate up to N qubits. Be careful!